I create a visual narrative through found objects - selecting objects that attract my attention and exploring relationships between them. I discard those that do not work and invite new ones in. Naturalia and artificialia sit side by side in my work, arousing interest and curiosity in the viewer. Curiosity is a key word for me, as it is the historic cabinets of curiosity that are my driving force, which is often apparent in my work. I explore ways of using archiving, classification, association and connections and am particularly interested in the areas where art and science meet. The New York Times recently called this way of working ‘the new crossover art’. My ‘found object’ assemblage work uses ‘bottles, books and boxes’ as its vehicle, whereas the resulting narrative, or story telling, is shared through the new and exciting medium of artists books - my books are not in the usual book format - perhaps a more apt description would be they are ‘assemblages with a narrative’.